Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hollywood Salvation

If you’re familiar with the movie Ghost (starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg), you’ll remember the end when the bad guy of the movie was dragged to Hell by scary shadow demons, and Swayze’s character was called into the light of Heaven. The bad guy met his fate because of all the terrible things he did throughout the movie. In contrast, Swayze’s character did all the “good” things. He used his ghostly powers to protect Moore’s character from the bad guys, he helped a psychic to fully appreciate her gift, and he even helped make a clay pot.  He of course was the hero of the movie, so naturally, he was Star Trek-beamed into Heaven (but only after he accomplished the aforementioned good deeds).

Sadly, much of the world (religious and non-religious alike) takes this Hollywood view of salvation. As long as you’re a good person and do good things like pay your taxes, hold the door open for strangers, and give to charity, you’ll go to Heaven.  If you go to church every now and then, and especially if you go every Sunday, that’s just icing on the cake.

What does the Bible say about salvation?

1)      We are not saved by good deeds. We’re saved by grace through faith. (Eph. 2:8-9)

2)      God’s grace instructs us to demonstrate our faith by obeying his commands. (Titus 2:11-12; James 2:21-24; Heb 11)

3)      Only those who obey the gospel and keep his commands will be saved, no matter the number of good deeds they did on Earth. (II Thes. 1:8-9; John 14:15; Mt. 7:21-23)

 A person must be a faithful member of Christ’s body to go to Heaven, period. To imply that a man can make it to Heaven by being a “good person” and simply riding his La-Z-Boy to the pearly gates is disrespectful to Christians who are daily walking in the light.  The New Testament calls us to put on our Christian armor.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve never needed armor when paying taxes, holding doors open for strangers, giving to charity, or when making clay pots.   Hopefully none of us are ever fooled by Hollywood’s view of Christianity.