Thursday, December 11, 2014
Here it is - my very first guest post. Taking the spot of first contributor is my friend, minister, and mentor, Eddy Gilpin. Eddy is the full-time preacher at West Side church of Christ, and he is the author of many tracts, books, and bulletin articles. The following article will appear in this week's Sunday bulletin.
If "One Is As Good As Another," Why Not Pastafarianism?
It was indeed an unusual scene when newly-seated Pomfret, NY, Town Council member Christopher Schaeffer was sworn into office in January 2014. Schaffer, you see, was wearing a colander on his head. Why? He is a "minister" of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Members of his articular organization refer to themselves as "Pastafarians."
According to the organization’s website the only "dogma" allowed in the Church of the FSM is "the rejection of dogma." There are no particular regulations, no strict rules, and no routine rituals. Some general things about their beliefs are:
-Pirates were the original Pastafarians, and they were peaceful explorers. Due to Christian misinformation, they now have an image of being outcast criminals.
-They are fond of beer.
-Every Friday is a religious holiday.
-They embrace contradictions.
While this organization is ludicrous to the minds of Bible-believing individuals, it is recognized as a legitimate religious system by our government. It is yet another example of political correctness run amuck.
However, a more serious matter can be addressed from this story and this organization. If, as much of the religious world claims, "one church is as good as another," the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster would qualify just as much as any other. While in terms of governmental recognition and common sense we might see this organization as silly and ridiculous, religiously speaking it is no more ridiculous than any other religious group that claims to be legitimate and, yet, which cannot legitimately claim its origin in the New Testament. There is, after all, only one church that can do that—the church of Christ (Mt. 16:18; Acts 2:47; Rom. 16:16; Acts 20:28; Eph. 4:4; 5:23; Col. 1:18).
One can join the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster for a fee of only $20. One can join thousands of other religious groups free of charge. However, one cannot "join" the church of Christ. He has to be added to it by the Lord Himself (Acts 2:47). As foolish as "The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" sounds, since Jesus purchased only one church (His church- Acts 20:28), it is just as foolish to think anyone can be a part of any other and still claim to belong to Him.